Nap's ADA Sign Blog — Designer ADA Signs
ADA lodging Signage ... Where's my room?
Posted by Kelly Brewster on

The ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, is a civil rights law signed by President Bush on July 26, 1990. This law mandates that individuals with disabilities shall have access to jobs, public accommodations, government services, lodging, public transportation, telecommunications ... Basically is states that all individuals shall be able to participate in, and have full access to all aspects of society. We hope to scratch the surface with this blog about the role ADA Signage plays within the lodging industry. Hotels, motels, inns and apartment complexes must comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to provide and promote greater accessibility for...
- Tags: ADA, ADA Restroom Signs, ADA Room Identification Signs, ADA Room Name Signs, ADA Room Number Signs, Braille, Braille Restroom Signs, Compliant Restroom Signs, Designer ADA Signs, interior signs, Standard ADA Signs
ADA Rules ~ Are the Permanent Rooms in your building Labeled ?
Posted by Kelly Brewster on

ADA Room Number and ADA Room Name Sign Requirements Keep your building in ADA Compliance with ADA Room Name and ADA Room Number Signs. Today, the law requires that all public buildings display an ADA Compliant Sign on each permanent room. When determining signage for a facility, a general rule of thumb is - if a room has an entry door, an ADA compliant sign with tactile lettering and braille should identify that room or space. Any permanent rooms that have permanent fixtures which are are not likely to change require ADA compliant tactile and braille signs. Therefore these rooms are...
- Tags: ADA, ADA Room Identification Signs, ADA Room Name Signs, ADA Room Number Signs, Braille, Designer ADA Signs, sign, Standard ADA Signs
What is Braille ?
Posted by Kelly Brewster on

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The Benefits of UV Direct Printing for ADA Signs
Posted by Kelly Brewster on

Here at Nap’s we use a direct to substrate UV Printer for all our customer ADA signage orders. Our UV Printing process enables us to provide our customers with a large variety of options and a high-quality products, along with being environmentally friendly. What is UV Printing? UV Printing refers to a commercial printing process that uses ultraviolet curing technology, with a different type of ink than conventional printing methods. This unique method of printing utilizing ultraviolet (UV) light to dry or cure, the ink. As the printer distributes ink on the surface of the material the UV lights follow...